The Palladium-Item and Sun-Telegram, Richmond, Friday, Oct. 2, 1959 County School Bus Old-Time Quaker Items Ready For Display At First Friends General Motors, Du Pont Ruling May Come Today Cool Cows Boost Milk Production COLUMBIA, Mo. (SF) Researchers at the University of Missouri report they have found that keeping cows cool boosts milk production and high humidity cuts output. Tests indicated that Hol-steins give 35 per cent less milk at 95 degrees Fahrenheit than at The government proposal calls compliance with the supreme court by sale of duPont stock interest in GM. The duPont proposal favors continued ownership of the shares but a forfeiting of their voting strength.
As of Dec. 31, 1958, General Mo The AMPHIBIAN Newest AUTOMATIC 4:1" "1:1 CHICAGO, (AP) A ruling that may affect the whole national economy will be handed down in U. S. district court Friday after the close of trading of the New York Stock exchange. The decision by Judge Walter J.
Labuy will chart the future of duPont interest in General Motors (GM) a holding of 63 million shares of stock worth $3 billion. Whatever the decision, the losing side is expected to appeal to the U. S. supreme court, further prolonging antitrust litigation al ready a decade old. If the federal government wins, duPont counsel contends the national economy will suffer from a depressing effect on prices of duPont and GM shares, both ranked by investors as among the bluest of Blue Chip securities.
In addition, duPont lawyers maintain investors would suffer tax troubles not of their making. On the other hand, the govern ment contends its plan for divorc ing the close association of the two industrial giants is equitable, fair and unlikely to produce any financial upheaval. Largest Supplier Judge Labuy's ruling will dispose of a U. S. supreme court opinion that duPont's large finan cial interest in General Motors bears a tendency toward monopoly.
DuPont is the auto firm's largest supplier of fabrics and finishes. The supreme court directed Judge Labuy to work out a method of remedying the situation. The judge, who presided at the trial of the civil antitrust proceedings started in 1949, received proposals of compliance from both duPont and the government in hearings last winter and spring. The ruling he will announce Friday is based on the presentations at those hearings. Roads Striped MADISON, Wis.
(SF) The Wisconsin State Highway department is painting 4-inch-wide white stripes along the edges of 2,000 miles of State highways to lessen the danger of driving at night and in bad weather. Lawler's for Palladium-Item Photo Items to be on display at First Friends church Saturday include, left to right, foreground, a foot-warmer, dental tools and bellows. Behind the dental tools is a pleating iron. In the background, left- to right, are an all-wood pitchfork, a carrying case for the hat next to it, and a carrier for taking burning coals from one place to another. ihe hat and carrying case belonged to David Hunt, superintendent of Friends Boarding school in Richmond from 1853 to 1857.
John Nixon's collection of John Elwood Bundy's paintings will be shown at the public exhibit which opens the two-day sesquicentennial celebration at First Friends church, Saturday. The open house will, start at 2 p. m. Bundy, a landscape artist, was head of the Earlham college art department from 1887 to 1895. He had studios at various locations in Richmond.
Sketches by Marcus Mote, an early member of the meeting who, as a Sunday school teacher, illustrated his lessons with pastels, also will be displayed. They are outdoor scenes. Some were done on a trip to Pennsylvania in 1867; others depict Richmond during the period of the 1870's. Numerous old photographs of Yearly Meeting, Five Years Meeting and men's groups will hang on walls throughout the building. Among documents to be exhibited is an 1825 marriage certificate.
An assortment of Nineteenth-century utensils will be included in the exhibition. Planing tools, eyeglasses, a cherry seeder, a doctor's saddle bag, a padlocked carpet bag and a flailer for threshing grain are among these articles. The first Quakers led by David Jeremiah Cox and John Smith, settled in this area in 1806. They began holding regular meetings the following year. In 1808, a log Meetinghouse was built, and in September of 1809 Whitewater Monthly Meeting was formed.
Whitewater Quarterly Meeting was established in 1816, when the town of Richmond was first laid out. Members of the Quarterly Meeting were instrumental in the formation of Indiana Yearly Meeting which opened in 1821. Schools Open The first Sunday school, then commonly called a Sabbath school, opened in 1834 under the direction of Elijah Cofin. In 1847, Friends Boarding school, which later became Earlham college, was established. From 1836 to 1873, Whitewater Monthly Meeting also operated a day school in Richmond.
In 1878, the Indiana Yearly Meetinghouse was built on East Main street. It later became the present First Friends church. The structure was rebuilt and the parsonage erected in 1926-27. Seven educational buildings in Richmond bear the names of Quakers of the early period: Joseph Moore, Nicholson and The Palladium -Item AND SDN-TELEGRAM Published Sunday morning and each weekday, except Saturday, at 19 North Ninth street, Richmond, Ind by Pali-dium Publishing Corporation. Subscription Rates: By carrier id Richmond area.
40 cents per week. By earlier outside or Richmond area, 4fl cents pet week. By mail in trading area SIS 90 tor one year: $5.56 tor six months: 33.M for three months. By mail outside trading area, according to United States postal rata zones, per month, iones i. Si.
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$1.75. Sunday, only by mail outside trading area, $4 90 tor one year. $2.50 for six months. 50 cents per month Entered as second class matter Mar. 1939.
at the Post Office at Richmond. onder the Act of Mar. 1, 1879. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for reouBJication of all the local news printed is this newspaper as well as all AP news dispatches. No Word From Red's Promise 75 degrees.
The dairv scientists said farmers who can't provide air conditioning for their cows can get improved results through cool ing with electric fans. Report 70,000 Complaints On Obscene Mail WASHINGTON (UPI) Post master General Arthur E. Sum- merfield says his department received more than 70,000 com plaints about obscene mail during the fiscal year that ended June 30. Summerfield reported on steps to clean up the mails in an address before the General Federa tion of Women's Clubs. He said that the Post Office Department carried out more than 14,000 separate investigations in the 1959 fiscal year, about 10,000 of which were based on com plaints "sent to us by aroused par ents." Investigations led to 293 arrests in fiscal 1958 and 315 arrests in fiscal 1959.
"While these figures show more successful action by the Post Of fice Department," Summerfield said, they also indicate, I regret to say, the dogged persistence with which the obscenity racket eers battle to continue and expand filthy business." Oct. 15 Is Set Aside To Honor FBI's Hoover INDIANAPOLIS (UPI) Governor Handley Thursday proclaimed Oct. 15 as J. Edgar Hoover Day in honor of the long-time head of the Federal Bureau of Investiga tion (FBI). In the proclamation, Handley noted that during the 35 years that Hoover has headed the FBI it "has become the most effective and respected law enforcement agency in the world." "It has amassed a record of achievement for investigation work unequaled in modern crim inology," Handley said.
Edgar Hoover has championed the pro tection of those fundamental free doms and individuals rights cher ished by all Americans. Handley urged all Hoosiers to "honor this great American by whatever programs and observances they deem fitting for this important occasion." REMOVES RUST STAINS Itm UTKTUtS SWCS ktfa-jstfcorraroTS TREFlOOIS'MmiS AUTO IUJKPEXS AUaOXJA stcwiwkdcws E1STA9I PRODUCTS fjuaAwitKwjrjtsiT nr So sfim-Jooling, It's hard to believe the Amphibian has all these features: Gyromatic (self-winding), shoclc-resistant and waterproof; gold-filled case. $89.50 (federal iai included) Drivers' Safety Meeting Oct. 6 A safety meeting for Wayne county school bus drivers has been announced for Tuesday, Oct. 6, at Greensfork school.
Similar meetings are being held throughout the state on various dates, under the auspices of the Traffic Safety division of the De partment of Public Instruction. LaVaughn Hawkins, assistant director of the division, will ad dress the drivers at 7:30 p. m. The meeting is scheduled' to open at 7 p. m.
with registration. A representative from the Indiana state police also is to speak to the group. Earlham Offers Veekly Deduction United Fund Plan Ben Teetor, co-chairman of the United Fund appeal in charge of payroll deduction groups, announced Thursday that Earlham college will offer its faculty and personnel the opportunity to pay United Fund pledges through a volunteer payroll deduction system. Teetor stated that in a meeting with Stanley Vigran, chairman of the schools division and President Landrum Boiling and his administrative staff of Earlham college, it was agreed that such deduction system would be established. Teetor stated that this will afford the personnel an opportunity to give a fair share and pay it in small amounts.
It will also be a saving to the United Fund of fice in the time it takes to pre pare billings and receipts as well as the postage. "Payroll deduction for employees comes about through co-opera tion and generosity of manage ment and is another method whereby the United Fund goal can be reached," Teetor stated. Landscape School Plans Farmsteads Home Grounds Plans for home grounds and farmsteads were started Thursday at a Wayne county extension landscape school held "at the Rural Electric Membership corporation building (REMC) on North West Fifth street About 15 families were represented at the workshop session. Assisting the group were H. W.
Gilbert and Norman Marty, Purdue university horticulturists. Gilbert discussed methods of pre paring grounds for landscaping and described the proper use of ornamental shrubs and evergreens. Marty discussed steps in lawn maintenance and the selection and planting of trees. Work on landscape plans will be completed at the final 1959 session of the school, scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 15, starting at 10 a.
m. Sessions also are planned for 1960. Assisting with Thursday's school were John Connelly, county agent, and Curtis Middleton, assistant county agent. is a rtaA 900 MAIN The Charles elementary schools, Julia Test and David Worth Dennis jun ior high schools, the Joseph Moore museum and Dennis science hall at Earlham. In 1941, members of the meeting began their work in relief for World War 2 victims.
A Boy Scout troop and Cub pack were or ganized at the church in 1943, as part of the renewed youth work. Dr. and Mrs. Elwood Meredith organized the Forty-Niners in 1949 to stimulate the spiritual life of the meeting. Last year, the Monthly Meeting decided to send its first mission aries and provides salary and travel expenses for the work of Dr.
and Mrs. David Hadley in Africa. The most recent project is an experiment in adult education, which was instituted this year. Man Sentenced In Poison Food Case PHILADELPHIA (AP) Daniel Di Orio, president of Universal Seafood was sentenced Wednesday to a month in prison and fined $2,500 in connection with the distribution of poisoned seafood which caused the death of a 3-year-old boy. He also was placed on probation for three years.
Di Orio pleaded no defense on Sept. 22 to charges of using so dium nitrite on fish with intent to mislead and defraud. The poisoned fish set off a widespread scare during which more than 200 persons went to hospitals for treatment. DOWNSTAIRS' To Free Children MOSCOW (UPI) U. S.
Consular officials said Thursday there has been "no developments whatso ever in connection with the promise by Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev to a Lithuanian refugee couple to permit their children to join them in the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Pauline Leonas stopped Khrushchev in a hotel lobby in Des Moines, Iowa, during the Premier's tour of the United States and told him they had been trying for years to get their daughter Regina, 20, and son, Thomas, 17, released from Lithuania.
"You'll get your children," Khrushchev promised and told Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko to take care of the mat ter. The American Consular officials pointed out that Khrushchev and Gromyko spent only one day in Moscow after returning from the United States before going on to Peiping. They noted also that such mat-' ters are usually a lengthy process and likely to take at least weeks, if not months. Engagement Rings NEW YORK (SF) Most gem diamonds are sold in engagement rings. tors had 2S2.260.998 shares of stock outstanding, owned by shareholders.
Of this total E. I. duPont de Nemours and affiliates owned 63 million shares or a 23 per cent interest. Under the government proposal duPont would sell 20 million of its General Motors shares in the open market over a 10-year period. The remaining 43 million shares would be distributed among duPont stockholders at a rate of 1.38 shares of GM for each share of duPont they own.
Jewelry Comer STORE Pair 45" 84" Long for tyj Scenic: Multicolor, dominanuy Red and Tur- quoise on White i WxAjv: I iff "'SI e. -V wmm. Florals, Scenics, Moderns How for the First Time Ever While Quantities Last! All Firs! At a FANTASTICALLY LOW 1 km CQK Each Wide, Pre. rice till SSl, SINGLE PAIR $2.59 ALL PINCH-PLEATED USE SEVERAL PAIRS FOR WALL-TO-WALL TREATMENT! $1 H99 THE STORY OF OUR NEW LINE The ultimate aim of our Smartaire line is FASHION for the woman who seeks variety likes to accessorize many outfits. From flatties to spiraling heels, she need not fuss about which to buy the price says she can have them all! $8" To Florals: Multicolor, pre- dominantly Green and Red print on White background.
Gold overlay. Modern: Choose from 2 color combinations, Red and Grey or Turquoise and Nutmeg, both with Gold overlay. CHECK THESE FEATURES Luxurious Dobby Faille Fabric of long wearing heavyweight Acetate and Spun Rayon! 3" Buckram tops for perfect folds! Deep side and bottom hems! Multi-color prints on pure white grounds! Eight full pinch-pleats to the pair! Downstairs Store Have Yo Opened Your Charge Account at Phone 2 1281 812 Main 808 Main Ph. 2-4219.