4 Leadership Mistakes Caused By Good Intentions (2024)

Leadership is messy and complex, making it easy for well-intentioned leaders to do things that have an unintended negative impact on those they lead. Most leaders want to do the right thing for their team members and the organization, but as the old saying goes, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." Unfortunately, a leader's well-intentioned actions can sometimes negatively impact your team's performance and well-being.

A leader's good intentions can promote behaviors that seem good "in the moment" but have negative long-term consequences. Understanding how a leader's good intentions can cause unintended but costly mistakes can help you avoid these four common pitfalls.

4 Leadership Mistakes Caused By Good Intentions

1) Too Much Empathy

The ability to demonstrate healthy empathy is critical for effective leadership but like all strengths, there can be negative consequences for expressing too much or the wrong type of empathy. Overly empathic leaders can lose the ability to know what they want or need to do to serve the greater organizational good. Paul Bloom shares in his book, Against Empathy, that empathy does have the power to hurt judgment and can lead to poor decision-making in business. Bloom says, "business leaders need to be able to balance what is best for the whole organization with being kind and considerate to individual employees". Too much focus on empathy can leave leaders emotionally drained and hurt their ability to perform their roles effectively.

Healthy empathy from a leader enables them to take the time to learn about others' perspectives, challenges, and goals so they can make better decisions for the greater good. The art of empathy requires leaders to pay attention to others' needs without sacrificing their own needs. From a leadership perspective, it is essential to understand how to balance being empathic and making the tough decisions that serve the overall good of your team and organization.

2) Inability To Say No

In our busy and complex world, leaders will often bring the mindset that everything is of critical importance and merits the highest priority. The unfortunate truth with this mindset is that if everything is a priority, then nothing is a priority. A leader must feel empowered and learn to say NO or push back against the inevitable onslaught of urgent activities that steal energy and focus away from accomplishing their most important priorities.

Leaders must feel empowered to say "No" to good projects, tasks, and requests that steal their energy and focus away from accomplishing their most important priorities. This does not mean that the leader is not responsive to urgent requests; it just means they do not do it at the expense of their most important and meaningful activities. Leaders must be responsive to urgent requests, just not at the cost of moving forward their most important goals. The most effective leaders learn to "Use their Noes to protect their Yeses."

3) Owning Employee Challenges

Too often, when employees come to leaders with common challenges or problems, the leader will immediately jump into owning and solving the employee's challenge for them. We have all seen passionate leaders who convince themselves that the end justifies the means. With the following statements, leaders will often rationalize why they need to be the "chief problem solver" for their teams.

  • I already know the "right" answer
  • It is easier to give them the solution
  • They won't do it as well as I can
  • Often others don't follow through as I expect

The classic Harvard Business Review article, Management Time, Whose Got the Monkey, illustrates this ongoing leadership challenge by defining the problem that an employee takes to their leader as "the monkey". When a leader takes the lead in solving their employee's challenges or issues, they have taken the responsibility away from the employee, and now they own the responsibility (the monkey moved off the employee's back and is now on the leader's back).

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Effective leaders have learned to let their employees take responsibility for resolving their ongoing issues through effective delegation and coaching. This allows the leader to focus on the strategic areas of building culture, setting priorities, building key relationships, developing employees, innovating, and creating efficiencies.

4) Not Establishing Clear Accountability

Accountability often gets a bad reputation because employees are concerned that leaders will judge them unfairly if they fall short of expectations. Leaders also often assume that the way they view their team's goals, roles, timelines, and outcomes is obvious because it is obvious to them. A leader's desire not to be seen as a micromanager can create a team environment where employees are unclear about individual and shared accountabilities.

For employees to truly trust a leader, they must believe the leader can help them and their team get the job done. Establishing a culture of accountability is one of the most empathic things a leader can do for their employees' performance and well-being.Have you ever worked on a team that lacked accountability?If the answer is yes,you probably experienced some of the following repercussions:

  • Low-performance levels
  • Missed deadlines
  • Lack of team trust
  • Ongoing team conflict

High-performing leaders understand that accountability is about empowerment – not control. A leader's primary role is to create an environment where employees can deliver on expectations while feeling valued and heard. When employees or teams are off-track or miss deliverables, it should not be a reason for punitive actions from the leader. Successful teams understand that failure is part of success as long as they use the setback as an opportunity to learn, adjust, and take shared actions to get back on track. When team members deliver on commitments, trust is built.


Leaders must understand that having good intentions is not enough. Leaders must learn to assess and reflect on the impact of their actions and make necessary adjustments when needed, understanding that their good intentions do not forgive unintended negative impacts. Leadership is not about being perfect, and success is dependent on accurate self-assessment that enables a leader to adjust, adapt, and evolve. Understanding the 4 mistakes that well-intentioned leaders often make will help you better navigate the ongoing leadership challenge of achieving results while building strong relationships.


I am the President and Founder of ClearView Leadership, an innovative leadership and talent development consulting firm helping executives and managers bring their best leadership selves to their most challenging situations. I am the author of,Getting It Right When It Matters Most: Self-Leadership For Work & Life. You can also follow me onForbesto see my latest articles on Self-Leadership and Leading Others.

4 Leadership Mistakes Caused By Good Intentions (4)
4 Leadership Mistakes Caused By Good Intentions (2024)


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  • Micromanaging being the boss and not the leader: ...
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We all make mistakes, and there are some mistakes that leaders and managers make in particular. These include not giving good feedback, being too "hands-off," not delegating effectively, and misunderstanding your role.

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We believe intentions to be the meaning behind our actions and decisions. When you slow down, give thought to your intentions, and lead with them, it can become your most profound tool. Leading with intent helps shape your success as an individual and as a team.

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A Great Leader Takes Action to Fix the Problem

For strong leaders, offering concrete solutions to make things right is essential to a productive and meaningful apology. Fixing the problem shows that you mean what you say, and that you will take action to prevent the problem from occurring in the future.

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We Identified the 5 Things Successful Leaders Must Stop Doing
  • Stop Thinking This Is Business As Usual. The first thing that leaders should stop doing is, stop thinking this economy is the same. ...
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  • Stop Spending Time Alone.
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10 Things Highly Successful Leaders Should Never Do
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  • Believe You Know Everything. ...
  • Neglect Outside Coaching. ...
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  • Define Success Solely in Terms of Business and Work. ...
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  • Fail to Support Others.

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Not offering employee feedback. Another common leadership mistake is avoiding feedback. Open communication is a key element to growth, performance and employee retention.

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Failure to Lead by Example: Leaders who don't practice what they preach lose credibility quickly. If they don't adhere to the same standards they set for their team, it can lead to frustration and resentment.

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Poor Communication

Miscommunications, lack of clarity, and failure to provide feedback can all damage trust. Good communication is critical to understanding and alignment within a team; misunderstandings and conflict can thrive without it.

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The road to hell is paved with good intentions is an idiom or proverb. It is about the difference between what someone intends to do and the outcome of their actions. In other words, the consequences of one's actions can be awful and tragic instead of the good intentions that lead one to do them.

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I commit to upholding the integrity of the organization with each of my actions. I will promote and encourage excellence in the workplace by prioritizing quality, intelligent processes, and continuous innovation. I will be transparent and accountable to my stakeholders, and accessible and reliable to my employees.

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  2. Micromanaging The Team. ...
  3. Oversharing Underdeveloped Plans. ...
  4. Not Encouraging Direct Communication. ...
  5. Not Taking Necessary Action. ...
  6. Discussing Employee Performance With Others. ...
  7. Failing To Take Responsibility For Errors.
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The most common reason to explain why good leaders fail is plain overconfidence. Their social status itself increases the risk of this development, according to research from the Berkley HAAS School. And every success contributes to the delusion of one's infallibility.

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The most common reason to explain why good leaders fail is plain overconfidence. Their social status itself increases the risk of this development, according to research from the Berkley HAAS School. And every success contributes to the delusion of one's infallibility.

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Good leaders empower their team members, delegating tasks and responsibilities, and trusting their abilities. They provide guidance and support but allow room for autonomy. In contrast, bad leaders micromanage, stifling creativity and causing frustration among their team.

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.